Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 15 - 17, 2011

The past few days were just normal days, on the 15 it was pouring! There was so much rain that on my walk home from the Dart station parts of the roads were flooded and water was pouring over sidewalks into people's yards. I had to wade through the puddles in my canvas keds, and my pace walking home sure did quicken after that. My brother's third birthday was the 16 but I wasn't able to wish him a happy birthday because my dad's phone and skype weren't working so that was disappointing.
 This whole week Dana and I have been doing work experience at Holy Child Sally Noggin working with children who have learning disabilities. Getting to that school requires taking the Dart to Dun Laoghaire and then the 7 or the 45 bus, well Dana and I thought it was the 46 bus and hopped on. We decided to stay on the bus and let it take us in a loop back to the stop where we got on because we just thought this bus was just going around Dun Laoghaire. Two hours later on that same bus in rush hour traffic we ended up in the city. We were looking for any streets that we recognized and luckily from being in town for the weekend we recognized Grafton Street and we remember taking the Dart to Pearse station to get to Grafton Street. We got off the bus on Grafton Street and asked for directions to the Dart station. Luckily a local college student knew where the Pearse station was and we thanked her and went on our way to buy a ticket for Dun Laoghaire. We safely made it to the school, late. But the staff was very nice and understanding. After school we got the correct bus back to the Dun Laoghaire Dart station to catch the right rails. I saw my correct train, or so I thought, and hopped on. Once the train didn't stop at the stop before where I get off I realized I was on a Commuter train and not the Dart. The Commuter only stops at every five Dart stops, which means I had travel past my destination and walk on the other side of that train station to get on the northbound rail side and wait for the correct train. Once again I finally made it safely to my desired destination past my anticipated time of arrival.

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